Building New Routines

Build a solid foundation for the rest of your recovery. One of the hardest parts of early recovery, for me anyway, is developing a new daily routine. Many of us have spent the past several years of our lives stuck in a special brand of hell that we built for ourselves— our every waking momentContinue reading “Building New Routines”

Finding a Sponsor

In recovery, fellowship is the single most important concept and the most essential tool for remaining sober. Building a network of fellow addicts in recovery allows you to tap into a treasure chest of opportunity; It is extremely common for employment opportunities to arise out of relationships built within your recovery network, genuine, healthy friendshipsContinue reading “Finding a Sponsor”

B12 – The Buddhist 12 Step Meeting

Overview & Format When I first started taking my recovery seriously a couple months ago, I really wanted to find a way to keep my mind not only occupied, but genuinely interested in whatever I was doing.  An idle mind can put an addict at a significantly increased risk of relapse. From the start, IContinue reading “B12 – The Buddhist 12 Step Meeting”

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