Building New Routines

Build a solid foundation for the rest of your recovery. One of the hardest parts of early recovery, for me anyway, is developing a new daily routine. Many of us have spent the past several years of our lives stuck in a special brand of hell that we built for ourselves— our every waking momentContinue reading “Building New Routines”

Subtle, yet substantial— The benefits of meditation in recovery

Over the past six months I have developed a significant interest in meditation and the potential of a daily practice to make a noticeable impact on one’s life.  Previously, I wrote a post about Dan Harris’s book, app, & podcast all sharing the same name, ‘10% Happier.’  While listening to one of his podcast episodesContinue reading “Subtle, yet substantial— The benefits of meditation in recovery”

Take the good with the bad…

Learning to cope with bad days during recovery. There’s a line in recovery literature that one of the guys that attends one of the meetings that I go to likes to quote, and I will paraphrase here:  An addict who is not using is in an abnormal state. Next time you are having a shittyContinue reading “Take the good with the bad…”

Spiritual, not religious

Lately I have been a part of several discussions centered around spirituality, discovering our own idea of a higher power, and how to reconcile spiritual principles in our recovery with those we may have been taught when we were younger in the form of religion.  I don’t want to alienate those who take solace inContinue reading “Spiritual, not religious”

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